Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Considering that Cookie busted me out, I figure I'll blog about something today. Thank you for the nudge Cookie! =)

Before I forget, I want to thank Lori, Opal, Jen and Hattie for sending some goodies for my wheel! I came home one day to many pretties, and I am so grateful to these wonderful ladies for thinking of me. All of these women are amazing spinners and knitters in their own right, so please take a minute and visit their blogs and show some love.

Here's the long and short of what's been up in my neck of the woods:

1. I've been taking pictures of my experiments with with a camera that I can't find a USB cord for. It's made me kind of testy. Who wants to just read about stuff right? So Cabana Boy is going to help me out and do something magical to get them off of the memory card so you can see for yourself that I've been busy.

2. Cabana Boy exists. More details to follow. (Insert happy dance here)

3. I've been spinning like there is no tomorrow. I've spun this from Zarzuela and this from CJ Kopec, and I'm currently spinning this from CJ Kopec. I also had some fun with a batt from a local friend, Meg.

4. I started another FLS for Mini-Me. I let her pick out her own yarn. Surprisingly, it looks just like mine.

5. I decided to participate in a Summer of Socks.

6. In a fit of madness, I cast on a pair of cuff down socks! Madness I tell you, madness!!

7. I purchased a digital scale for my fiber. Now I weigh every little snippet of fiber I spin. Obsessively. I hope that this ends soon.

8. I've been watching the Tudors, enjoying another season of In Treatment, and waiting with baited breath for Weeds to start. Oh, and Deadliest Catch. Poor things. They are so angry this season!

I'm sure I could continue to ramble here, but I'll spare you the horror.

If you are going to do something adventurous and thrilling this weekend, be safe. If you are going to stay at home and be a hermit (like me), you know how to find me!


Zonda said...'ve been busier that me LOL! You...summer of socks! ;) Go you! Hoping you get your pictures out of that tiny card soon ;)

Hattie said...

I JUST got the first two discs for the first season of the Tudors from Netflix. Jonathan Rhys Meyers, here I come!

Acornbud said...

Hope you get your pictures out so you can put up the pictures of the yarn. Have a great weekend!

Cookie said...


Daniele said...

I can't even remember what else was in the post. THE CABANA BOY EXISTS???!!! WHAT?! (dancing Nanner here too!!!)

You've been holding out girl! Spill..... pronto!

(P.S. Forgot to mention the wonderful and thoughtful friends who sent goodies!)

Daniele said...



Opal said...

i'm anxiously awaiting photographic proof of all this spinning. i'm beginning to think it's all in your head.


She Knits Socks said...

If you still haven't gotten your photos off the card, let me know and I will tell you about a wonderful invention I found that will read your card and you don't need the USB cord that came with your camera!

Cabana Boy, Really!